Parent and Community Engagement for a Better Future
CCaSP assists children to develop school readiness and consolidates knowledge to empower them within the education system which, in turn, will lead to securing a better job and a brighter future for themselves, their family and the community. The program supports activities to improve ATSI school attendance and educational outcomes, opening the door to more pathways to success. This includes improving family and parenting support; early childhood development, care and education; school education; youth engagement and transition; and tertiary education.

CCaSP assists children to develop school readiness and consolidates knowledge to empower them within the education system which, in turn, will lead to securing a better job and a brighter future for themselves, their family and the community. The program supports activities to improve ATSI school attendance and educational outcomes, opening the door to more pathways to success. This includes improving family and parenting support; early childhood development, care and education; school education; youth engagement and transition; and tertiary education.

CCaSP supports activities that will achieve ATSI education outcomes, such as (but not limited to):
Increasing participation and positive learning outcomes in early childhood development, care and education leading to improved school readiness.
Increasing the capacity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families and communities to engage with schools and other education providers.